Yellow Brick Road present first song in Belarusian language (download)

Yellow Brick Road_00's.mp3

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Euroradio's listeners translated the song for the English-speaking band. The musicians chose the variant sent by a person nicknamed Bison. The author of the text wrote it in the way to Homel in the train Minsk-Kislavodsk. He did not just translate the lyrics, but added his own vision and atmosphere, having reconsidered the song "30s" of the Yellow Brick Road to the Belarusian "00s". Thus, the song got a new name - the "00's".

"This is more of the author's vision through the prism of the place where the author was. The central idea, to my opinion, is about the destiny of people at the outskirts of Europe, of Belarusians, in fact. The song gets you the most when you are going around your country, see its destiny and think about it", -Bison explains.

It's up to the audience to decide how good the Belarusian version is, Bison thinks. As for the audience, vocalist of the Yellow Brick Road Yan Maksimovich claims they have already liked the "00s" a lot - the song was first played at the recent concert of the band in the Russian town Tver.  

"They asked us to play something in their language, — Yan Maksimovich tells. — So we exchanged looks and decided to sing the song in public for the first time. In the end, there were rounds of applause, and everything was normal. I think that every musician should have such song in his repertoire".

Although Yan liked it to sing in Belarusian, the Yellow Brick Road are not going to write new Belarusian language songs by now. However, they do not exclude that they may offer several new songs from the future album for translation.

"It is very difficult to put the Belarusian language on our music, especially on the material that we are preparing at the moment. We will definitely translate some "songs of the soul". However, we have not thought of releasing an album fully in Belarusian so far. But this is a good idea, I like it".