Lyabedzka’s phone account arrested

Лябедзька застаўся без сотавай сувязі – судовыя выканаўцы арыштавалі рахунак

Anatol Lyabedzka has been deprived of his phone account. The UCP leader got to know about it only the next day. “Do not call me anymore… Dear friends, I am not abroad, I have not emigrated, I am not dead drunk and I am not on vacations. Law enforcement officers have arrested my phone account. And was wondering why nobody had phoned me for two days… Now I have appreciated the wonder of silence…” the opposition politician wrote on Facebook.

Lyabedzka’s phone account could be arrested in order to make him pay his fines for unauthorized street actions. By the way, the same thing may happen to Mikalai Statkevich as he is not paying his fines for street actions either.