Mikhalok and Brutto to play gig at Minsk Arena

Siarhei Mikhalok and Brutto will play at Minsk Arena on March 8. Their new program Double Hot is scheduled to begin at 1900.
Mikhalok says the band is excited looking forward to the concert in Belarus' largest venue at Minsk Arena. "Winter will fly by in rehearsals and training sessions. We need to be fit like Olympians to perform well in our Native Land," says the musician. "Let's welcome spring with a great concert and in excellent mood! Be a realist, dream about impossible!"
Double Hot includes Brutto's best tracks from Underdog and Rodny Kraj albums as well as Lyapis Trubetskoy's golden hits from the past ten years.
Euroradio reported earlier Brutto played the first concert in Belarus only two years after the inception. The concert took place on October 29 in Homiel, with around 4000 people attending. Siarhei Mikhalok had been reportedly unofficially blacklisted in Belarus after public criticism of Aliaksandr Lukashenka over the 2010-2011 crackdown on the opposition and cicil society.