Another anti-Belarus provocation in Vilnius

House in Vilnius where Vatslau Lastouski lived

House in Vilnius where Vatslau Lastouski lived /

Another anti-Belarus provocation has taken place in Vilnius. In the centre of the Lithuanian capital, on Pylimo Street, an inscription in the Belarusian language, "Vilnius is ours", and "a sign symbolising the Belarusian historical flag", appeared on a building. It was a vigilant resident who noticed it and promptly informed the city authorities. The inscription was quickly washed off. The police were not called, so there will be no investigation. 

The publication highlights the role of Vaсlau Lastouski in the history of Vilnius. He lived in the mentioned house in Vilnius more than a hundred years ago and is referred to as 'one of the founders of the ideology of Litvinism'. The same place also housed the editorial office of the newspaper Nasha Niva in 1909-1911.   

Nasha Niva points out the unusual nature of the inscription, noting that the letters 'Ш' and 'Л' are written as they would be by individuals who use the Latin alphabet and are unfamiliar with the Cyrillic alphabet. The letter 'Я' in the word 'Вильня' is also written in a peculiar manner. The image of the flag is equally unusual, as Belarusians typically do not draw the middle stripe so thin.


Therefore, it is highly likely that this was a deliberate provocation orchestrated by anti-Belarusian forces. Pavel Latushka, head of the People's Anti-Crisis Management and deputy head of Belarus' United Transitional Cabinet, recently warned, "Russia and the Lukashenka regime are keen on portraying Belarusians as a 'threat' to the West. "They have already succeeded in inflating an information provocation/special operation called 'Litvinism' in Lithuania, which could have serious implications.

У Вільні адбылася чарговая антыбеларуская правакацыя

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