Belarus regional parliament member breaks road code, gets on camera

A video showing the car of the Minsk Regional Council Deputy Aleh Sukonka driving in the wrong direction on the one-way traffic road appeared on youtube. He gets stopped by the author of the video. The Regional Council Deputy, who is also Director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after Aliaksandrau, gets out of the car and with indignation and even threats demands to be given a pass. Eventually, the cars go their wats, and video, as promised by its author, is put online.
Euroradio phoned Aleh Sukonka who said why he decided to break the road code and whether he feared punishment.
Euroradio: Was it you driving in the wrong direction, is the situation true?
Aleh Sukonka: It was absolutely different. It's some kind of provocation. But do not worry - let him write. We are serious people, and need to do serious work not paying attention to some mosquito bites. Let write a complaint - police will investigate. I do not see any serious ...
Euroradio: So did you break the rules or didn't you?

Aleh Sukonka: I explained it to the man. The man blocked me on purpose, I was carrying out, as they say, my duties ... I was, in fact, driving the wrong way, but I explained to him that I came there for inspection and there was no other way I could get there. After all, I was the initiator of the changes that are being made in Baraulyany today. I have it all in control. And so I came to inspect them after the vacations. And he blocked me on purpose to provoke this situation. Well, what's so terrible here? People like him are far from the reality of the country - the only thing they want to do is to discredit respectable people.
Euroradio: He is a man of principle. And whatever business you had there - the traffic rules were to be adhered to.
Aleh Sukonka: I repeat: there was not a single person there, I had to get to the school. But he blocked me on purpose, provoked the situation and posted it on the Internet. I will not pay attention to it. My work is not affected by it. Let him write a complaint - so what? Let the police seize my driving license. Will it affect my reputation? Everyone knows me in Baraulyany, and I, by the way, do not know what kind of man this was.

Euroradio: He is a man of principle. And whatever business you had there - the traffic rules were to be adhered to .
Aleh Sukonka: I repeat: there was not a single person there, I had to get to the school. But he blocked me on purpose, provoked the situation and posted it on the Internet. I will not pay attention to it. My work is not affected by it. Let him write a complaint - so what? Let the police seize my driving license. Will it affect my reputation? Everyone knows me in Baraulyany, and I, by the way, do not know what kind of man this was.
Here's what Aliaksandr, author of the video, told Euroradior:
"It all happened on Friday morning. You can see it on the video. I saw a Volvo. I stopped. He drove forward, then backward. He started waving hand for me to stop. I stopped, opened the window. And then began the threats and he showed me ID - he's a deputy. I did not drop on my knees in front of him because of that ID. I do not care, if he is a deputy or anyone else. Observe the rules and drive properly. There have been no problems so far. I sent the video to #perehvat (interception) (the site where you can post photos and videos of traffic violations - Euroradio), but it was not published. One of these days I will submit a statement about his actions. And then we will see what will come out of it and who will get blamed."
Euroradio: Have the police contacted you about this?
Aleh Sukonka: No. But I believe that he will write a complaint against me. Traffic police will investigate. Then I'll let my lawyers deal with it. We will deal with it, and we will fight back. I am a man of principle, I do not take bribes - I work exclusively for the benefit of the State and severe cancer patients. Let him try discrediting me. I do not care, because people are judged by their deeds. I received approval from the head of state for the changes in Baraulyany to take place. So I have to keep an eye on the situation here. Well, what if I really broke the code - not a single person was there, 150 meters in the opposite lane. I will get punished for it, if I have to.
Euroradio: Are you ready for giving away your license?
Aleh Sukonka: To hell with it. But I do not think that they will takek my license - I have not made any emergency. I'll get a fine.
Euroradio: But is it possible to break the code, if you really need to?
Aleh Sukonka: I always observe the rules. But in this situation, there was not a single person, I had to see how the construction works were performed near the school. I went when no one was there. But as he saw me, he started to block me - that's why I got out of the car? I said, "Why are you doing this? I'll drive here - am I bothering you? I tried to be peaceful with him, but he provoked me.