Poll reveals 60% of 'urban' Belarusians never eat out

Photo: LiveJournal
60% of 'urban' Belarusians never visit cafes and restaurants. Around 20% go out only once per month or less, according to the survey carried out by the International Agency for Social and Marketing Studies.
Minskers are more willing than people in other Belarusian cities to eat out. Approximately one in two respondents (55.6%) visits cafes or restaurants or orders food on delivery in the Belarus capital city against only one third (33.2%) in other cities.
People in Minsk also visit cafes more frequently: 23.3% eat out once a week against 10.2% in other cities.
Cafes and pizza places enjoy the biggest popularity in Minsk, with almost one in four Minskers paying a visit. The capital city residents are also more inclined than people in other cities to choose fastfood restaurants and bakeries. The reason: most of them are in Minsk.
In most cases, Belarusian urban residents visit cafes and restaurants with friends (65%), with family members and children (41.6%), with a spouse/partner or girlfriend/boyfriend (41.4%).