Sevyarynets' penal labour camp closes down?

Only 40 convicts out of the previous 100 have remained in the village of Kuplin, co-chairperson of the steering committee of the BCD Party Pavel Sevyarynets told Euroradio.

Pavel Sevyarynets: “The camp will probably be closed down - only 40 out of 100 convicts are still here. The Penal Department had some issues in our camp - it was said that the conditions were really bad here. So, everyone is living in their boxes."

The administration have already made a list of the convicts and their jobs, Sevyarynets says. About 10 people have already been sent to MAZ. According to the political prisoner, some people may be sent to "Gomselmach". However, Sevyarynets does not know whether he will stay in Kuplin for the remaining 11 months of his term or whether he will be sent elsewhere.

Pavel Sevyarynets was convicted for participation in the protest action on December 19, 2010 and sentenced to three years in a penal labour camp. He is serving his sentence in special commandant's office #7, Kuplin, Pruzhany District, Brest Province.

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