Young Belarus activist taken to police... as a victim

Police agents today in the morning broke into the apartment of Ales Halavan, an activist with Young Belarus movement in Vitsebsk. They used force to take the youngster to a police station in Vitsebsk, organization leader Artur Finkevich told Euroradio. First, Halavan was accused of making a false testimony in a criminal case. But, it turned out that the youngster was searched for as a victim in a robbery case three years ago. The activists was attacked and robbed on the street. Ales filed a statement with the police, but he received no further information about the case for three years. It turned out he could not be found.

Police officers once again interrogated the activist over the old case. At the same time, they also asked him about the operation of Young Belarus, Kalinouski program in which the youngster took part for some time. Police also asked him about his trips abroad.

Halavanya on August 4 will again be summoned to the police for a showup in the criminal case.