Archbishop Kondrusiewicz calls for reconciliation after Belarus clampdown

Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz has called reconciliation in a statement he made in connection with the events on March 25-26 when hundreds people were detained.
Archbishop Kondrusiewicz writes he has taken "with great concern" the situation in Belarus. "The history of Belarusian people proves it always stood out for its wisdom and found peaceful ways to solve the emerging problems," the statement reads. Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz has called on "the authorities and their opponents as well as civil society organizations and people of various views to engage in a constructive dialogue with the aim of solving the existing problems for the good of our people and consolidation of society." He expressed hope "for human and fair treatment of the detainees" and hopes for their return home as soon as possible. The full text of the statement can be foud (in Belarusian) here.