Belarusian anti-crime agency found no 'extremism' in novel by Martsinovich

Viktar Martsinovich's novel "Revolution" /
Anti-crime agency did not find "extremism" in the novel by Viktar Martsinovich "Revolution," former director of the publishing house "Knihazbor" Henadz Viniarski wrote. It was this publishing house that published Martsinovich's novel.
"Today I went to the anti-crime agency office. There I picked up the rehabilitated books of Viktar Martsinovich "Revolution", wrote Viniarski.
The novel was published on the eve of the events of 2020, but its plot has nothing to do with Belarus. However, the title was so interesting for law enforcement officers that during a search in January 2021 in "Knihazbor" they took away more than 500 copies of the book "for examination".
In May 2021, the director of the retail network "Belkniha" called "Revolution" one of the most popular books among customers.
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